Understanding Interpersonal Neurobiology – Webinar


Participants will gain the basics of brain structure and development, as each core concept is explored theoretically and clinically through case examples. The workshop will include exciting new trends in brain imagery that illuminate new aspects of the neurobiology of relationship. The format will be partly didactic and highly interactive as we look together at how core concepts contribute to moment-to-moment practice.

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Understanding Interpersonal Neurobiology

A Complete Relational Perspective

Terry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D.

Please note:  This webinar event is not eligible for continuing education units at this time. While we cannot offer this webinar for CE credit at this time, we will be applying to do so with the American Psychological Association in June, and should be so authorized by October.

Interpersonal neurobiology is a new framework for understanding the integrated workings of the body, brain, and mind as they emerge out of relationship with others. This workshop will examine the historical roots for this movement in attachment theory combined with ever more effective ways of measuring brains in context. We will look at contributions made by pioneers in the field—Allan Schore, Daniel Siegel, Lou Cozolino, Jaak Panksepp—along with clinical implications of their findings. We will delve into central tenets of the field, including the paradigm shifts from emphasizing cognition to recognizing the centrality of emotion, from privileging conscious processes to privileging the unconscious, from staying in the here-and-now to honoring developmental history, from linear and reductionist views of health and well-being to nonlinear ones.

Participants will gain the basics of brain structure and development, as each core concept is explored theoretically and clinically through case examples. The workshop will include exciting new trends in brain imagery that illuminate new aspects of the neurobiology of relationship. The format will be partly didactic and highly interactive as we look together at how core concepts contribute to moment-to-moment practice.

This webinar supports students to:

  1. Describe the historical roots of interpersonal neurobiology;
  2. Explain the basics of brain structure as they apply to attachment and regulation theories;
  3. Apply core concepts of self-regulation and interactive regulation to clinical cases;
  4. Describe trends in brain imaging that promote a deeper understanding of the neurobiology of relationship.

TerryTerry Marks-Tarlow, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist (PSY8853) in private practice in Santa Monica. She is a Visiting Professor at Italian Universita Niccolo Cusano London and a Research Associate at the Institute for Fractal Research in Kassel Germany. She is on the Board of Directors of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association, where as Community Outreach Co-Chair, she co-created and curates an annual exhibition of visual and performance arts, “Mirrors of the Mind: The Psychotherapist as Artist.”  Dr. Marks-Tarlow is a member of the Insight Center teaching faculty.

Dr. Marks-Tarlow has authored and co-edited numerous books, including Play and Creativity in Psychotherapy (2018, Norton), Truly Mindful Coloring (2016, PESI), Awakening Clinical Intuition (2014, Norton), and Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy (2012, Norton), and Psyche’s Veil (2008, Routledge), all of which she has illustrated herself. Dr. Marks-Tarlow has presented workshops and seminars internationally and nationally, including a 2012 a conference at the Tavistock Institute in London relating to her second book, Psyches Veil, on nonlinear dynamics, and the 2015 UCLA Interpersonal Neurobiology Conference.

Dr. Marks-Tarlow embodies the balance of life between play, imagination and creativity through her dance, art and yoga. Her creativity also has been expressed musically, through writing opera librettos with Juilliard teacher and composer Jonathan Dawe. Her first opera, “Cracked Orlando”, premiered in New York City in 2010 with a ballet. Her second opera, “Oroborium” is scheduled to premiere at Lincoln Center in April, 2018. For more information visit her website at http://markstarlow.com