Mindfulness Retreat with Rev. Hye Wol Sunim



Mind is the forerunner of all good states. Mind is chief;  mind-made are they. If one speaks or acts with pure mind, because of that, happiness follows one, even as one’s shadow that never leaves.

To understand the law of karma it is essential to know that our happiness is based on the intention we bring to each moment.  Intention is central to our practice. During this retreat, we will learn how intention operates in the cultivation of mindfulness and loving-kindness.   We will develop an awareness of how to bring conscious intention into our lives, sowing the seeds of happiness for ourselves and others.

RevSunimRev. Hye Wol Sunim was first ordained in Sri Lanka in 1977 and took robes in the Korean Zen tradition in 1984. Rev Sunim studied with Buddhist masters in Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Australia, Taiwan, Korea, and Japan. He arrived in the US in 1991. He translates Pali texts and teaches the early Pali canon. Rev. Sunim founded the Meditation Center for Zen Communities and is planning a meditation Center in Southern California. Rev. Sunim is the guiding dhamma teacher for LA Dharma and The Insight Center. Today we will alternate periods of meditation with dhamma talks. All are welcome.