Voice Dialogue Part 2


VOICE DIALOGUE is a simple yet profound method for accessing and honoring the many selves that live within each of us.  The resulting experience is an ever deepening sense of wholeness, self-acceptance, aliveness and choice.  This is an ongoing training group where people learn and practice this rich modality. New members are welcome to join at any time and will be offered additional time to be familiarized with the material enough to facilitate easy entry in the group.

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Elaine Rosenson

Voice Dialogue Group, Part 2

Monday Mornings
10:00 – 12:00

March 6 & 20, 2017
April 3 & 17, 2017

VOICE DIALOGUE is a simple yet profound method for accessing and honoring the many selves that live within each of us.  The resulting experience is an ever deepening sense of wholeness, self-acceptance, aliveness and choice.

This is an ongoing training group where people learn and practice this rich modality. New members are welcome to join at any time and will be offered additional time to be familiarized with the material enough to facilitate easy entry in the group.  If an ongoing group doesn’t fit your time or inclination at this point, please feel free to email or call and let us know if you would like to be put on the mailing list to attend a one day introduction or refresher class.

Voice Dialogue creates a living experience of your whole self and supports participants to access parts of themselves in a non-pathologizing process by honoring conscious and unconscious aspects of ourselves. This developmental theory views the human psyche as an intricate network of selves, forming an inner family that affects us cognitively, somatically and behaviorally.  This way of working with enables therapists to quickly identify underlying issues and facilitate insight and change.

At this workshop students will:
  • Learn the basic principals of Voice Dialogue, the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process.
  • Learn to work with the dynamics of relationships, creating a roadmap to help couples communicate from an authentic place.
  • Begin to explore your own set of Primary and Disowned Selves and how they shape your life.
  • Create a sense of well being as we assist the brain to achieve integration of aspects of self, conscious and unconscious.
  • Discover the wealth of information your dreams will uncover.
ElainRosensonElaine Rosenson, LMFT, is a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in private practice in Encino, CA for over 25 years. She is a nationally recognized therapist and Voice Dialogue facilitator and teacher.  She trained extensively with Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, the originators of Voice Dialogue. She has served as a staff member and has been endorsed by them to provide trainings to professionals and the general public.  In 1991, she founded the Valley Voice Dialogue Center where she has trained therapists on how to use Voice Dialogue for their own deep personal work and in their own practice.  She has presented classes at CSUN, at numerous intern training centers in Los Angeles as well as at CAMFT, SD-CAMFT, SFV-CAMFT, GPASC, and GPALA Conferences.  Elaine is a Past-President of the San Fernando Valley Chapter of CAMFT and has been an active member for over 30 years.
Elaine became inspired by the embodied depth psychology work of Marion Woodman, Ph.D., a world-renowned Jungian analyst, who brought bodywork to the Jungian community.  In 2010, Elaine graduated from Dr. Woodman’s prestigious three-year BodySoul Rhythms Leadership Training Program.  The program incorporates Jungian therapy, dance movement, art, dream analysis, voice and bodywork. Elaine has incorporated this work into her psychotherapy practice and finds it reaches people deeply, enabling them to discover their authentic nature.